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Salmon Arm Branch #62
Branch Officers - 2024
President: Lance Ewan
1st Vice President: Rick Ward
2nd Vice President: John Howard
Treasurer: Tess Deziel
Past President: Jane Birnie
Recording Secretary: Tess Deziel
Membership: Holly Hollihan
Service Officer: Jennifer Legault Br #098
Poppy Chair: Ron Paul
Ways and Means: JP Flament
House and Grounds: Rudy Schubert
Sports: Vince MacPhereson
Sick and Visiting: Penny Favel
Cadet Liason: Walter Webster
Sergeant in Arms: Walter Webster
Bursaries: Harry Welton
Gardom Lake: Lance Ewan/ Rudy Schubert
Entertainment Committee: Kevin Harrison
Management Committee:
Executive Officers:
Lynn Toms​
Diana Scarini
Holly Glenn
Terry Swityk
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